Despre noi

1.PLASTCOMPANY, spol. s r.o. este o afacere de familie cu o echipa prietenoasa. Ajutorarea, profesionalismul si expertiza sunt întotdeauna pe primul loc. 

Suntem împreuna cu dumneavoastră încă din 1990. 

Suntem specializați in livrarea, instalarea si depanarea mașinilor si echipamentelor tehnologice destinate procesării maselor plastice si reciclării acestora. Reprezentam exclusiv producători de top la nivel mondial, de tehnologii pentru procesarea maselor plastice, ale căror mașini sunt instalate la un număr de peste 3000 de clienți in Europa centrala. Avantajele noastre sunt: experiența, flexibilitatea, timpii scurți de livrare si răspunsul rapid la intervențiile service. 

Întotdeauna încercam sa satisfacem cerințele clienților noștri si sa găsim cea mai buna soluție pentru ei.

Istoricul companiei

Istoria recenta a companiei noastre a început in anul 1990, odată cu înființarea companiei Plastochem, spol. s r.o. Cu timpul, am reușit sa ne impunem ca unul dintre furnizorii importanți de materii prime, mașini si echipamente tehnologice pentru industria maselor plastice din Europa Centrala si de Est. Am fost împreuna cu dumneavoastră tot acest timp, fără schimbări majore in structura organizației noastre. Mai multe despre istoricul companiei

S-a scris despre noi

"We, as Wanner-Technik GmbH are developing and manufacturing plastic granulators since the 1980s and our claim is, to fullfill the expectations of our customers at 110 %. In 1.PLASTCOMPANY, we do have a partner driven by the same attitude and idea. Together we are willing to walk this extra mile for the benefit of our customers – we both consider good customer relations as maximum value. We do work with the people from 1.PLASTCOMPANY since the 1990s and our cooperation is based on trust and appreciation from both sides. We are hoping that we still have many years of a successful cooperation ahead.

Thanks to 1.PLASTCOMPANY and their dedicated stuff for the good time and success so far."

Ralph Dostmann
CEO Wanner-Technik GmbH

"Our company KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH has been successfully cooperating with the most of employees of 1.PLASTCOMPANY, spol. s r.o. in the field of extrusion lines since 1994 and in the field of RPM technologies since 2000. My personal experience with this cooperation has been since 2008 when I joined the headquarters in Munich and became Area Sales Manager for Eastern European region. I evaluate this cooperation with 1.PLASTCOMPANY as very positive, smooth and successful. When solving projects and discussing with customers, 1.PLASTCOMPANY is a reliable and trustworthy partner and I found this company as a representative partner of our company KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH. Keep it up!"

Yuri Michurin
Sales Manager for Eastern Europe
KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH

"There has been a close cooperation between Gerco Technik GmbH and most of the people from 1.PLASTCOMPANY, spol. s r.o. for more than 20 years. Regular meetings quarantee a customer-oriented further development of the products. The good personal relationship between the companies is the basis of an active and constructive business relationship."

Dieter Kochmann
CEO Gerco Technik GmbH
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